Leonardo Space Art Project

Dedicated to the advancement of Space Art and its contribution to our Mission to the Stars


The Leonardo Space Art Project

The Leonardo Space Art Project aims to make visible the work of artists, writers, composers and others interested in the exploration of outer space. We also aim to help establish contact between artists, scientists and engineers interested in working together on space art projects. This publication, under the umbrella of the print journal "LEONARDO", will serve to display the efforts of organizations and individuals in their quest to further the exploration and development of space by raising the public awareness of the benefits and necessity of contining efforts in scientific and artistic endeavour.
 We will provide a venue for showcasing these exhibits, performances, joint projects, one person and groups shows and, in so doing, foster future projects.
 "Ars astronutica", the Leonardo Space Art Project electronic newsletter, serves to keep our members up to date on developments of the project and announcements of upcoming events.

These pages contain links to these and other sites related to space and space development. Please explore them to the fullest and realize our potential as we venture outward.

The people behind this vision form the Leonardo Space Art Project Working Group, an assembly of individuals working together, and in collaboration with the International Academy of Astronautics, to investigate and promote the cultural dimensions of space activities. Our members from all over the globe share a common vision of our presence in space and wish to communicate this vision to all who would see.

This page has been homesteaded by Imperial Earth.

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